Main St. Marketplace
Support Rockland's Small Businesses
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We're sorry that you didn't love any of your options, but thank you for letting us know how you feel. If we're missing a favorite spot of yours then please submit it so others can enjoy it, too!
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#BestInRockland: Rate the best of everything local.
A Message from Simplisk
Welcome to Small Business Central! Main St. Marketplace is Rockland's premier destination for discovering what businesses around the county are offering - from products and events to online shops, gift cards, virtual offers and more.
For those we haven't met, we are Simplisk: a small Rockland business focused on helping fellow businesses do big things in tech, quality, branding and innovation. We love where we work (and live) so when NY hit pause due to COVID-19, we decided to develop a free, virtual platform to serve the small Rockland-based businesses we treasure. Enter Main St. Marketplace.
Small businesses face frequent challenges, and the events of the 2020s have made them even tougher. These businesses are owned by our neighbors and lie at the heart of the charmingly unique downtowns we value so dearly. We hope the Marketplace helps our community find new ways to love, support and shop local - today and into the future!
As you explore the Marketplace, we hope you find a new favorite business (or a whole bunch) that you'll love for years to come.
Wishing you, Rockland and all the world well.- The Simplisk Team